

Mon - Thu from 7:30-16:30

Innovative projects in the field of acoustics

How leading architects and designers are influencing the industry with innovative projects

There are countless possibilities for designing rooms that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional. A large number of innovative projects that our customers have realised with our high-quality acoustic and design felts are examples of the creative and effective use of this material. They range from impressive wall panelling that not only absorbs sound but is also visually appealing, to individually designed room dividers in offices that create a pleasant working atmosphere and at the same time ensure optimum acoustics.

Sartorius Berlin

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Humboldt Forum Berlin

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Multi-Media Systeme Aktiengesellschaft Walzbachtal

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Privathaus Würzburg

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Agentur Mayd, Hamburg

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Büro Bernd Kussmaul GmbH Weinstadt

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Konferenzraum Bernd Kussmaul GmbH-Weinstadt

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Fritzis Hamburg

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foodlab Hamburg

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Luftdesinfektion am Schreibtisch, Calina.Systems

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Reiss Bad Liebenwerda

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Empfang M&K

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Privathaus Besingheim

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Privathaus Aachen

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Möbelkollektiv Nürnberg

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Hochschule Wismar

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Andasta Luxemborg

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Musem der Universität Marburg

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Renthof Kassel

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Lichtenbergschänke Ober-Ramstadt

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Junior-Campus der Fachhochschule für Hörakustik Lübeck

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BMW-Autohaus Märtin Freiburg

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Messestand architect@work

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Bürogebäude Köln

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Hallraum- Prüfung Lübeck

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Schulgebäude Cochem-Zell

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M&K Filze GmbH Spalt

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Produktentwicklung Microsoft München

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Firma Schmalz Glatten

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Volksbank Trier

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Duschräume Allianz Arena München

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Apartimentum Hamburg

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Studio Casa Münster

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Restaurant „The Table“ Hamburg

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Bonsel Hörakustik Groß-Bieberau

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Birkenstock Neustadt Wied

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Druck-Collage Uni Credit Wien

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Firma Vöhringer Trochtelfingen

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Fath Unternehmensgruppe Spalt

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Schloss Ratibor Roth

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BAMF Nürnberg

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Volksbank Hamburg

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